Countess, Duchess, Headers
A Journey through the history of Easdale Island and other legends of Argyll.
Three Wee Crows are a community theatre group based in Taynuilt, Argyll. They are dedicated to bringing to life, through open-air theatre, the rich heritage of history and legend of the area surrounding Lochs Awe and Etive. For their performance on Easdale Island they will included works based on the island's rich slate quarrying heritage.
Mon to Sat
07.15 (not Sat); 07.45; 09.00; 09.15; 09.30; 09.45; 10.15; 10.45.
On demand from 11.15 until 12.50 and from 14.00 until 16.15.
16.45; 17.15; 17.45; 18.00; 18.15
19.30; 20.00; 20.30; 21.00; 23.00 (bookable on Friday and Saturday only with 24hr notice)