80s pic 1
Come and celebrate the decade of dubious dress and absolutely ludicrous haircuts while dancing away the Sea.Fari crew to pastures new.
Please wear your most beautiful 80s creations and nip down to Tommy's Hairdresser for a really wild "Flock Of Seagulls"-like haircut, otherwise I'll be the only one looking like a right pillock.
And to whet your appetite, see if you can name all four 80s performers in the pics below. (Just to make Mr Caffery's job a little bit more interesting, I've hidden the singer's faces. Well, those haircuts were a dead givaway.) Answers by email to . You will also have an opportunity to enter the competition on the night.
19.30; 20.00; 20.30; 21.00; 23.00
80s pic 2