Easdale Island Community Hall
Pre skim dance party with Buckley's Chance

Pre skim dance party with Buckley's Chance

Date of Event: Sat 22 Sep 2007
Event Type: Concert
Time: 8pm
Ticket Pricing: £6 /£5 concs (accompanied under 12s free )
Buckley's Chance - they're mean and lean so lock up your sheep
All the silliness of the World Stone Skimming Championships is summed up at this last hoedown of the season with Edinburgh's Buckley's Chance featuring Malcom Ross (Josef K, Orange Juice, Aztec Camera). Bring your cowboy boots. Bring your stetsons. (Unfortunately Argyll & Bute Council will not allow horses to travel on the ferry, but it is possible for them to swim behind the boat if a suitable towing rope is provided.)
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