Bands on the list are:
Dillwgaff, The Jack Blacks
and the ever popular
From an article first published in Easdale People magazine, Issue No 22, Spring/Summer 2005.
Kick out the jams! The Jack Blacks
launched the second Rock Night with some raucous rock music from
the generation that should really be doing this stuff. Twelve-year-olds
Bethan Black on bass and Allan Black on lead guitar played a blistering two-song, too short, set that left Easdale Island
Bowl, (well OK, Hall), screaming for more. The
youthful ones were aided on this occasion by
a couple of old duffers: the 'Black in Back',
drummer Philthy Black and croaker/
guitarist, Great Uncle Amnesia Black.
Next up were John Merillees' band of merry men, (count
the empty bottles on their table), Dillwgaff. The band have
made confident strides since last year and played a great set.
The ever popular Framed, with new bass player in the frame, rounded off the night in their usual style.